Making Creative Use of Otherwise Unwanted Things
Ultimately, Saving the World is my goal. (I know… but seriously!) I want to leave this planet in MUCH better shape than when I arrived. Thrifting has always been one of my favorite hobbies. I’ve recently found joy in adding creative images to the things that other people no longer find useful. My shop space in Pineapple Marketplace, a co-op on Anna Maria Island, FL, is where I showcase and sell these items (as well as current fine art collections). Following me on Instagram and Facebook gives you direct access to this ever evolving collection. I post videos and pictures of the current inventory that is not listed on my website, but still available for purchase. These one-of-a-kind items have been rescued from uselessness. They spend a little time at the “Rather Be Spa” and are showing up with a new coat of paint, alive and ready to be used again - living the life they’d Rather Be living. Call it a makeover for everyday items. My hope is that these things find new lives in people’s homes as constant reminders of the beauty of nature around them.
Rather Be at Pineapple Marketplace
Pineapple Marketplace (formerly Pineapple Junktion) is a large Artist and Merchant Co-Op on Pine Avenue - Anna Maria, Florida. As one of about 30 vendors, I fill my shop space with not only reproductions of my fine art collections, but also, one-of-a-kind hand painted items. The inventory is constantly shifting as items are painted and purchased. Making use of things otherwise deemed un-useful is just one of the ways I show up to make this World a better place. Connecting on Instagram and Facebook are the best ways to see current shopping opportunities.
Rather Be “Spa” - The Studio
My grandmother, “Granny Bob” we affectionately called her, would paint anything she could get her hands on… typically in her garage studio in West Texas. Well, here I find myself in Florida, in a garage-turned-studio, and continuously collecting things to paint. Thrifting is where it all begins, but I also buy discounted new items that need a little attention. I love a good bargain! And this allows me to sell these items at affordable prices. I enjoy finding unique things that need a little facelift. As the saying goes… “One (wo)man’s trash is another (wo)man’s treasure.” When items leave my studio they are living on to bring the beauty of nature into someone else’s life.