Shoebox Studio
Welcome, Dear Creative… With my full heart ❤️, Welcome!
Hi 👋 there! You’ve done it, you’ve clicked to know more!
Welcome, Dear Creative… With my full heart ❤️, Welcome!
Ok, wait a sec… did you cringe when I called you a Creative? Please don’t worry! You’re in the right place and you are SO not alone.
Over the past 2 decades, I’ve met hundreds and thousands of people who claim they’re “not creative”. Straight out of college in 2004, after a scattered attempt at an Art degree, I opened up an Art Supply store and believe me, I heard it Every. Single. Day. Even some of my best friends would lament to me: “I love being here because of you, but I never buy anything from you because I’m just not creative…”
And guess what, I still love them! It’s suuuuper common to not feel creative. We’ve been taught from an early age to disregard this part of us because it’s “not going to get us anywhere”, as in… it’s not a worthy use of our time. You don’t need to believe me right now, but I really do see the Creativity in you - it’s in all of us! I’m here to help you coax that magical energy out of hibernation, give it a dusting off and let you reintroduce yourself. Let’s do this!
You have found the Rather Be Creative Shoebox Studio. Wahoo!! Let’s dive in to see what this is all about, shall we?
I’m not “teaching you how to be an artist”, I’m holding your hand, and here for support, as you unlock your own creative mind
(the one we’ve all been encouraged to ignore our whole life).
What is a Shoebox Studio?
It’s your new best friend that only loves to listen and doesn’t judge 🥰.
It’s the newest (soon to be trendiest 😘) workout - for your BRAIN 🤯.
It’s all the answers to life that you know you have deep inside but just aren’t coming to the surface 🤩.
Ok, that all sounds great, Rather, but for real… What IS it?
It’s an array of art supplies, selected by me, sent to your home (so you don’t get overwhelmed at the art supply store). There are three parts to the full studio, and once you’ve finished all three phases, you will have not only the supplies needed to create literally ANYTHING, but also the know-how and confidence to play with them and be Creative regularly - like a workout… for your brain.
It’s a full art studio that fits into a shoebox (or any other box you choose). You can pull it out and put it away easily. You can store it in your closet, under your bed… it’s simple and small, it doesn’t take up much space when packed away, but still holds all the tools for Creative practice.
It’s a chance to Learn - Unlock your Creative Mind! You’ll get simple, straightforward, and engaging videos that teach you how to use the supplies you’ve just acquired. Each phase of the studio includes a week of support with 3 instructional videos - filmed live on Zoom and available to you forever - plus a LIVE Q&A to clarify any confusion or hesitation along the way.
It’s also all about Community. The magic that happens when we share our creations, amazing ideas, and ah-ha’s along the way is something of this next world 💫 (the one we’re actively creating 🤗). Facebook happens to be the easiest answer for now, so we’ll be there in a private group… but only until the new perfect place shows up.
The phases build upon each other, but one is not required before the other. Once the entire studio is completed, you’ll have a general understanding of how to use all of the basics found in a typical art studio.
I’m not “teaching you how to be an artist”, I’m holding your hand, and here for support, as you unlock your own creative mind (the one we’ve all been encouraged to ignore our whole life).

When you’ve built your entire studio, your entire way of life will have shifted (in the BEST ways).
You’ll feel confident when you go to do something creative - whether it be a poster for a project with your kid, sharing a new idea with the boss, or simply exercising your creative brain as a wind-down after a long day. I like to use my creative practice when I’m feeling uninspired and dull… it’s like a quick pick-me-up when I’m just not sure what to do next.
You will have also unlocked a new part of your brain 🤯. I’m not the science-y person who will tell you which part of the brain this is 🤷♀️, but I’ll be quick to point out that we’ve forgotten how to use it. The Art of Creativity has been discouraged for generations - we’ve literally attached the word “starving” to the profession of “artist”. Whether you actively say those things or not, the subconscious belief that Creative endeavors are not “productive” is deep…like many, MANY generations deep. Aren’t we all aware of the fact that they’ve taken daily Art and Music out of public schools? The Arts classes are always elective, never required. I, myself, was bribed to take business classes in college as I pursued my Art degree (that I never finished, btw - I have a BA in Business 😆). My dad meant well, and I’m glad I did what I did (the car was worth it). The Universe works in mysterious ways… but man, the pressure to “make it” as a Creative, and the assumed “dead end” that an Art degree was going to provide… geesh!?
This piece of “what do I get” is a slippery slope into some deeper rabbit holes of programming in the world. I don’t intend to go there with you (right out of the gate at least 😘) but it is very much a part of “what you get”, so heads up.
Intentionality aside, we’ve been discouraged to exercise our Creative brain. I’ve personally found that when I do the opposite (actually exercise my Creative Brain) I have some pretty amazing ideas, conversations, and avenues open up to me. Like so many people on the planet right now, we know there’s a way to live without the suffering, pain and stress in our lives… we just don’t know how to get there. Humanity needs a makeover, don’t you think? I don’t know the answers to all the problems, certainly not your specific ones. I don’t really know what is going to save humanity, but I know a lot of amazingly bright and smart people who might have some good ideas. And I know for sure, is that it’s the Creative Brains that will figure it out.
So, let’s exercise that part of our brain and watch the amazingness that is rightfully ours flourish!
The Rather Be Creative Shoebox Studio is designed to take the pressure away from “being an Artist” in order to have supplies. The Shoebox Studio is a friendly, supportive hand extended to you and your Creative Brain. You’re allowed to want to play with the pretty colors and textures. You don’t need a special class or degree to want to explore a Hobby Lobby or local craft store. You don’t need to shy away from paints, sparkles, exciting textures and visually stimulating images. You don’t need to take over a room in your house or start a YouTube channel to make it “worth it”. You don’t need to become an “Artist” in order to know your Creative Self. The reality is, the Creative Self is the one who will Create the life you WANT to live!
2022 Shoebox Studio Timeline
Phase One - “The Dry Goods”
Week of June 27th
Monday - Welcome email with prep list for the week’s videos
Tuesday - Video #1 - Let’s Begin!
Wednesday - Video #2 - Exploring Your Supplies
Thursday - Video #3 - Creating a Drawing
Friday - LIVE Q&A on Facebook
Phase Two - “Hello Water”
Week of July 4th
Monday - Welcome email with prep list for the week’s videos
Tuesday - Video #4 - What are we Adding to Your Shoebox?
Wednesday - Video #5 - The basics of Painting and Color Theory
Thursday - Video #6 - Layering and Thinking About Composition
Friday - LIVE Q&A on Facebook
Phase Three - “Finishing Touches”
Week of July 11th
Monday - Welcome email with prep list for the week’s videos
Tuesday - Video #7 - What is this Stuff?
Wednesday - Video #8 - How to Use this New Stuff
Thursday - Video #9 - Completing a project and What to Collect
Friday - LIVE Q&A and Celebration on Facebook
Who’s Teaching Me?
My name is Rather, as in… I’d Rather Be Creative 🤗.
I’m a lifelong passionate Creative and most people call me an Artist (or mommy). I went to college in the early 2000’s on a last minute Art Scholarship in Gunnison, CO, a small mountain community of barely 6,000 people. I never finished my Art degree, but instead took the entry level course in all mediums and opened up an Art Supply store straight after graduation (with my Business degree, thanks for the nudge Dad!). While running my shop, I attended three different Arts and Crafts Trade Shows, which left me overwhelmed (in all the best ways) with all the supplies available to Creatives. I can only think of 2 mediums that I’ve not dabbled in (but fully intend to when the time is right) and have recently found myself fully expanded into my very own Art Studio - an entire garage bay at my house. I actually get to Create, as an “Artist”, for a living. Wow! I love providing space for kids and adults to PLAY with Art supplies. I scour sale racks and thrift stores for leftover supplies and interesting items to add to my drawers, shelves, and buckets of trinkets. I invite people into my studio for Art Nights and Workshops (I like to call them Studio Sessions - not a lot of “work” in this shop!). I love to Create works of Art from otherwise unwanted items and I sell them in local markets and shops on this beautiful island in SW Florida. I also release a collection of Fine Art - as prints and Originals each year. My husband and two little girls love to see my “Creative Cup” filled to the brim and overflowing with Studio time. They also love to come play in the studio with me, which I feel so grateful to be able to share with them. Our Creative Spirit is such a gift and I just love nourishing it in each of us!
What’s it Cost?
You can purchase each phase of the Shoebox Studio separately or as a full Course of all three phases. Each phase includes a set list of materials to be sent straight to you. Shipping is included, sign up deadlines apply in order to receive your materials in time for the live video courses. Videos are recorded and available to you forever. Already have a ton of Art supplies? Awesome! Material lists are included with each phase of the Course - you can purchase just the videos and support by selecting the *I have my own materials* option at checkout.
Over the entire course you will acquire over $200 in art supplies that will be useful to you for approximately a year (depending on how often you use them - most supplies don’t have an expiration date). Many of the tools provided will last a lifetime. In the video lessons we will discuss what to look for as you begin to explore and purchase/collect your own additional supplies.
Individual Phases: $150
Entire Shoebox Studio: $350
Payment plans and Scholarship opportunities do exist, please email: Rather@RatherBeCreative.com .
** This is the very first time this course has been offered, prices are not guaranteed for future courses. **