Making a Choice to Learn and Grow Creatively…
The Freshman Collection
The “Core Curriculum” - 6 Chalk Pastels available as matted prints and canvas Giclees,
& the “Freshman Fifteen” - 15 Original Oil Pastels, framed One-of-a-Kind Art
This Collection is truly the result of my Freshman year of really
Owning my Creativity.
Now I’m working towards building the life I’d
Rather Be Living.
I took an amazing course called “Making Art Work” and I learned how to, well… make Art work.
I’m learning how to share my Creativity as a sort of “Career” and here is the result: the first of many… a Collection.
I’m proud to present to you…
15 Original Oil Pastel Sketches and
6 Chalk Pastel Drawings available as Originals and for Print.
A lot of reflection went into not only the actual drawing but matting and framing each piece provided the opportunity to really reflect on all I’ve learned and how much I’ve grown as a Creative in this Life.

I’m honored that these images chose to flow through my hands. I’m honored to bring them to you. I’m honored to work with other local Island Creatives to photograph, present, print, and ship these pieces of art across the globe. I look forward to bringing you many more as I open myself to this opportunity to live a Creative Life.
Becoming the Artist Within…
Amidst trying times, my creativity has been a beacon of light. Learning new things about being an artist online; about the way the world is changing before our very eyes; about how children grow; about nature and all the beauty around us; about my relationship with others and my Self. I’m reminded that how we show up every day is how we show up in Life. This collection of pastel drawings is being created with hope to bring more of the beauty of nature into our lives. As I am learning how to show up in this world, I’m reminded of how nature continues to do it without needing permission and artificial timelines.
“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.”